April 2018

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Marijuana Business Employee Perks

M&F Talent / Bloomberg Law Interview: Marijuana Business Employee Perks In early April 2018, the recruiting team at Mac & Fulton Talent Partners were contacted by Bloomberg Law Group. A reporter from this world-famous business media source was curious about marijuana business employee perks. To this end,they reached out to M&F Talent due to our

The Relationship of Horticultural LED Lighting and Vertical Farming

Understanding Horticultural LED Lighting CEA Trends & Insights Urban agriculture is transforming food production, with vertical farming emerging as a cornerstone of this movement. These operations depend on advanced indoor gardening technologies to create artificial environments that sustain crops year-round. Among the critical components enabling this transformation is horticultural LED lighting, which has revolutionized how

Controlled Environment Agriculture Training

The Value of Controlled Environment Agriculture Training  The modern gardening movement is experiencing radical growth. This progress has led to the genesis of a novel industry that operates under the umbrella term “controlled environment agriculture” or CEA. Within the field of CEA are a number of sub-categories: urban agriculture, vertical farming, indoor gardening, aquaponics, and

Marijuana Grower Resumes

How to Write Marijuana Grower Resumes As a leading cannabis recruiting agency, M&F Talent has had the opportunity to watch the cannabis industry evolve and take shape. Times are changing. In decades past, for individuals operating a home-based cannabis cultivation operation, the prospect of including this experience on a resume and subsequent job search has

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