Cannabis Industry Job Search Guidelines

Regardless of where you are in your cannabis industry job search, a few essential tips can help make it easier. Follow these simple job search guidelines to help you land the perfect cannabis job with less time and stress. We found the following tips most helpful for finding cannabis industry employment.

Be Realistic 

Don’t expect to get a Cultivation Director position if you have been working in IT for the last ten years. Be prepared to take a less “romantic” job in a potentially lateral position to break into a new industry. Use critical thinking and creativity to apply “outside” work experience in the cannabis sector. For example, an IT background applies directly to sales and tech jobs in seed-to-sale software.

Be Persistent

Do what it takes to get your resume in front of decision-makers at cannabis businesses, even if they are not actively hiring. Utilize as many resources as possible to get your name out there. After all, looking for a job is often a full-time job in itself.

Be Mindful of the Seasons

Be aware that many outdoor agricultural employers face constraints from the changing seasons. Their hiring processes might, therefore, fluctuate based on seasonal needs. That said, the spring and fall are great seasons to find work (temporary or permanent) at outdoor gardens.

Pay Attention to Cannabis Industry News

Often, those cannabis businesses that receive funding (a.k.a. “going public”) are great contacts for employment. Not only do you know they’re expanding, but you also know financial institutions have thoroughly vetted them. If these financial institutions believe they are poised for growth and legitimacy, you should, too.

Update Your Resume & Business Cards

Take the time to make your resume applicable to the cannabis industry position you are applying for. Don’t make hiring parties have to think about why you are a good fit – tell them in your resume. Business cards are another great way to get your name out there at trade shows, hydro shops, and dispensaries.

Resources for a Cannabis Industry Job Search

There is always a way to improve a resume. One of our favorite job search guidelines is cannabis group participation. You see, by adding cannabis-specific attendance and memberships to your cannabis industry resume, you can solidify your dedication to the industry and the plant that makes it possible. The following are great opportunities to involve yourself with.

Local Cannabis Groups

Join local cannabis advocacy and education groups to network in your specific geography. Face-to-face impressions always supersede internet networking.


Become a member of NORML and Americans for Safe Access (ASA) to show employers that you’re involved with advocacy efforts. These are also great for networking.

Cannabis Conventions

These gatherings are a great place to make impressions and contacts with hiring companies. Cannabis job fairs, in particular, offer an in-depth look at additional job search guidelines to help you on your journey. Get as many business cards as possible and follow up with emails.

Cannabis Job Boards

Post your resume on as many job boards as possible. Focus on keywords that highlight your strong points, especially those most that employers are most likely to seek. Other job search guidelines for posting on job boards include researching your ideal position and formatting your resume to reflect some of the same ideas.

Cannabis Recruiting / Temp Agencies

Temporary jobs are a great way to make industry connections and get some cannabis industry work experience on your resume. Your local cannabis recruitment agency can help you find a temp job that suits you while you go on to figure out where you want your cannabis career to take you.

Conclusion: M&F Talent Job Search Guidelines

The cannabis job search can be long and stressful. However, the determined cannabis job searcher has ample opportunity if motivated, organized, and educated. To this end, follow these simple job search guidelines and contact us so we can help you with your cannabis career: